Lack of employee cyber security awareness puts UK firms at risk

By | 8th March 2016

Security training and awarenessAccording to the latest research by Axelos, published in the SC Magazine, UK firms are putting themselves under significant risk of cyber breaches due to the lack of cyber security awareness in their employees. Up to 50% of severe breaches are thought to be down to human error, which could be avoided with better training and user education.

Earlier published research by ESET shows that 23% of their sample thought that having anti-virus installed would give them complete protection from cyber threats. A good summary of why AV cannot offer sufficient protection is published in a blog by the prominent security firm Malwarebytes.

There are many technical solutions available that defend organsiations against external and internal threats. However, the human element remains a crucial part of your defence.

What is your business doing about employee cyber security awareness?

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